- Is abortion legal in Taiwan? 在台湾堕胎是合法的吗?
- Is abortion legal in your country? 堕胎在你们国家合法吗?
- He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 据说他以前是台湾最有钱的人。
- Mt. Jade is higher than any other mountain in Taiwan. 玉山要比台湾的任何山都高。
- Is gambling legal in Taiwan? 在台湾赌博是合法的吗?
- Gambling is legal in some countries. 在某些国家里赌钱是合法的。
- Our firm is represented in Taiwan by Mr. White. 本公司在台湾是由怀特先生代表。
- Bean curd,or tofu,is eaten everywhere in Taiwan. 在台湾到处都有豆腐吃。
- Capital punishment is legal in our country. 死刑在我国是合法的。
- No,because hunting is now prohibited in Taiwan. 不, 因为台湾目前禁猎。
- Is abortion meeting massive haemorrhage? 流产是不是会大出血?
- Mt. Jade is the highest mountain in Taiwan. (玉山是台湾最高的一座山。)
- Abortion has been legalized in many countries. 堕胎在很多国家已合法化。
- This is a consensus of all the people in Taiwan. 这是全台湾人民的共识。
- In Taiwan public safety is always neglected. 在台湾公共安全经常被忽略。
- In Taiwan, December 25th is Constitutional Day. 在台湾,12月25日是行宪纪念日。
- In Taiwan, that is not an advantage. 对台湾而言,这并没有什么好处。
- This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion. 这就是为什么对爱和和平最大的破坏者是堕胎。
- His family is scattered over many places in Taiwan. 他的家人分散在台湾的很多地方。